12 Tips for Parents on Education and Child Rearing:

  1. Do not judge your child by the marks he gets in his quarterly exam,  rather judge him by the number of friends he/she has.
  2. Let the child follow his/her dream. Do not force your dream on the child.
  3. Teach your children that those who fail and learn from mistakes are the ones who are most successful in life.
  4. Make learning fun. ( It should be " If you play for 2 hours then you will get to read your English book that has nice stories." and not the other way round as it is in most cases.)
  5. If your child has sudden change in behaviour, talk to him to find out the reason for it.
  6. However busy your schedule, give 5 minutes daily to talk to your child. 
  7. Punish only for serious offences. Time out is an effective way of punishment. Ask your child to stand against the wall facing it. Make him stand there for "Age" minutes ( meaning for 3 year old, it is 3 minutes and 5 year old, 5 minutes).
  8. Punishment should always be uniform and graded according to the severity of the event. For the severity of wrong done, always punish equally. (For example, one day you beat the child for not doing the homework and on another you dont say him anything, you will confuse his mind. Also, if you beat him for not doing homework and just scold him for hitting the neighbour's child, he will get wrong message about the severity of his action) 
  9. Never threat the child that you will leave him. This breeds insecurity. ( Eg. never tell " if you dont eat food, mummy will leave you.")
  10.  Ensure that your child plays outdoor 1-2 hours per day. He is not a prime minister of India that he cannot spare that much time.
  11. Never make exams the reason to break his routine of sleep, fun, play and games. This will make exams and studies undesired and hated event in the child's mind.
  12. Encourage creativity. Ask your child to come up with ideas and solutions for problems at home.