Adolescence - the most rewarding period of one's life

Adolescence is a period of growth, both physically and emotionally. It is a time when self identity is established and a child attains autonomy. For the parents, within no time a kid turns into a responsible adult. But it is our responsibility and duty to help this process to be smooth and rewarding for the for the adolescent primarily, but for the nation at large.

At a time when adolescents and young adults from 10 year age through 24 years make one-third of the population, their priorities and welfare cannot be forgotten if a healthy workforce is to be created for the bright future of the nation.

The problems of adolescents are different from those of children, not only because of the difference in developmental age but also due to rapidly changing mindset of this knowledge hungry age. From being a concrete thinker with little or no abstract understanding, a child is steadily learning the concepts of life. As abstract reasoning develops, the child is pound with a diaspora of questions in his mind and he begins an unending fulfilling journey to know as much as he can in the limited space of time that he has. The realisation of right and wrong is not yet made, therefore, it becomes imperative for the care giving adults to moniter and guide the adolescent attain knowledge without going astray in the process. Multiple factors including peer pressure, media, advertisements and, above all, the need to show ones superiority is bound to make the child impulsive about his decisions with little thought about the after effects.

Guiding an adolescent has to be a patient task. This age brings problems of conflict and behaviour as the child seeks more and more independance and sees any constraints put by the society as obstacle. This is the no-one-understands-me phase of life. And being an adult, we have to be understanding this. The journey from no-one-understands-me to i-am-heard in the adolescent is turbulent but if successfully and timely achieved, acts as a critical stimulus in the overall development.

The role of pediatricians is is paramount in this context, because being a primary physician for the child, he can act as a guide, mentor, and a resource person for the child as well as the parents.Let us work to make adolescence the most rewarding phase of one's life.